Financial Information

Project Patch has spent three decades focused on meeting the unique therapeutic, behavioral, social, cognitive, and academic needs of our students by providing time-tested and evidence-based practices to help them achieve lasting change.  Our proven and time-tested therapeutic residential treatment program has helped restore hope to teens and their families.

Daily Fee Includes:

  • Clinical services (individual, group and family therapy)
  • Substance/internet/gaming abuse services
  • Socialization skill building
  • Communication development
  • Parent education
  • Year-round accredited schooling
  • Academic coaching
  • Fundamental academic skill-building
  • Character development programming
  • Adventure education programming
  • Room and board
  • Recreational activities
  • Independent Living Skills
  • Pre-employment training
  • Registered Nurse oversight

Please call our Admissions Director at (360) 690-8495 to learn how Project Patch can help your child.

Insurance Coverage

Project Patch bills all major insurance companies (including, but not limited to, Adventist Health, Washington Molina, Washington Wellpoint, and Applecare) as well as Tricare and some public insurance entities.  Insurance benefits will be explored once the First Step Survey has been completed.

Special Funding

Some clients may be eligible for victim’s assistance or adoption assistance.  Project Patch will help you explore possible funding sources and provide documentation as required.

Financial Aid

Through the generosity of donors, we have the option of awarding financial assistance to qualifying families.

Apply for Financial Aid

In order to be considered for the Sliding Scale, the parent/guardian must submit the following:

  1. Household Monthly Budget And Value of Assets Estimate
  2. Financial Aid Application
  3. Most recent income tax return – Please black out all social security numbers
  4. Most recent 3 pay stubs
  5. Documentation of any other income (unemployment, child support, social security, alimony, or other non-earned income)

Project Patch’s financial aid committee will review the file and work with the Youth Program Administration to set the amount of the daily fee.

Healthcare/Education Loans

Although we do not encourage going into debt if payments are still difficult and you are considering getting a loan to cover the cost of enrolling your child in our program, contact admissions for information.

**Read our GOOD FAITH ESTIMATE notice here**