Outdoor Therapeutic Program

What is the Outdoor Therapeutic Program (OTP)?
Clients may have the opportunity to participate in our Outdoor Therapeutic Program during their therapeutic journey. At least once per year, Project Patch runs an Outdoor Therapeutic Program on campus. This opportunity is limited to a small number of clients at one time, with supervision by a minimum of two staff members. Clients will have the opportunity to experience nature, learn outdoor survival skills, and a quiet, reflective setting to work on their therapy assignments. Parents will be notified of their child’s participation several days prior to the experience.

What happens during the OTP?
When they first arrive at the outdoor site, clients are given shelter and bedding materials, and each sets up their living area. They are outfitted with clothing and camping gear appropriate for the season and are taught skills necessary for camp living. During the day they cook their meals over a campfire, clean up camp, perform camp work projects, have time for contemplation and/or counseling, survival skill demonstrations, walking/hikes, worship and discussion time, and then clients turn in for the night. The day is structured and clients are provided with an opportunity for many different outdoor experiences.

What does staffing look like and how long are clients out there?
The number of clients at the outdoor program ranges from two to five, with a minimum of two staff members supervising at all times. Boys’ and girls’ OTP experiences are always held at different times. The length of stay for a client depends on their needs. A multi-disciplinary team consisting of therapists, dormitory staff, and administration considers the situation of each client. Each client has a treatment plan for their OTP along with therapy assignments tailored to their individual needs.

Clients return to the dormitory when the maximum benefit from the OTP has been achieved. When clients return to the main campus, they process their experience with staff and peers during group therapy.

What is the typical outcome of this program?
The pristine nature of the site and the simplicity of camp life gives the opportunity for clients to have therapeutic quiet time to think and to process. The outdoor experience is often a highlight of their journey towards spiritual, mental, and emotional health.

What training do staff receive for the OTP?
Senior staff are paired with staff who may not have yet experienced the OTP. They are trained for daily health and safety assessments of the clients that include extremities checks, blood pressures and heart rates, and assessment of camping materials appropriate to the weather conditions and temperatures.