Recommended Books & Resources
The following books have been pivotal in developing seminars, blog posts and impacting our youth programs. Purchasing them through the links below will result in Project Patch gaining a very small affiliate commission from Amazon without affecting your cost.
I’ve tried to group the books by topic:
General Parenting
Perfectionism Related Books
Purity & Pornography Recovery Related Books
Other Topics
General Parenting
Love and Respect In The Family – Dr. Emerson Eggerichs
This book is a phenomenal guide to breaking the crazy cycle and getting your family moving together toward energetic and helpful interactions. This book is a must read for every parent. (Learn More)

iGen: The 10 Trends Shaping Today’s Young People – and the Nation by Jean M. Twnge
This book is helpful in identifying general trends that are shaping kids born born in Late 1990’s through 2012. While each person is unique, there are general trends which shape this generation. This book covers very important topics related to teen depression, anxiety, loneliness, suicide rates, and social relationships.(Learn More)

Smart Money, Smart Kids by Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruz
This book focuses on helping your kids with money but also has a lot to say about personal responsibility and teaching kids in the home so they are prepared for adulthood. (Learn More)

Raising Accountable Kids by John Miller
This book teaches accountability and asking questions that lead to action. (Learn More)

Change Your Brain, Change Your Life (Before 25) by Dr. Jesse Payne
This book provides an excellent introduction to brain development as well as factors that can risk development and integration. (Learn More)

Boundaries By Dr. Henry Cloud, Dr. John Townsend
This Boundaries series shares how parents and individuals can focus on setting boundaries on our own behavior as well as impact others make on our lives. (Learn More)

Strong Mothers, Strong Sons By Dr. Meg Meeker
Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters
These two books provide an excellent view of the powerful role parents play in the development of their kids. (Learn More)

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Perfectionism & Emotions Related
The Wisdom of Your Heart: Discovering the God-Given Purpose and Power of Your Emotions By Marc Schelske
Marc takes the reader on a journey to discover the role emotions play and how we can use emotions in the way God intended. (Learn More)

Mindset By Carls S. Dweck
Dr. Dweck researches and presents on the idea of fixed versus growth mindset. This book is key in helping kids struggling with perfectionism. (Learn More)

Entitlement Cure by John Townsend
Dr. Townsend walks us through the process of understanding our entitlement and how to serve others who are acting entitled. (Learn More)

The Gift of Imperfection by Brene Brown
This book captures Dr. Brown’s research on shame and perfectionism. It is a powerful book with research, stories and encouragement. (Learn More)

The Gifts of Imperfect Parenting by Brene Brown
This is a CD and is also available on Audible. This presentation captures how perfectionism and people pleasing can get in the way of raising our kids. A very interesting and helpful presentation. (Learn More)

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Purity/Addiction Related
Good Pictures/Bad Pictures – Kristen A Jenson and Gail Poyner
This picture is a story about parents that are helping their child understand what pornography is and how to reject it. It also has a plan to help parents navigate the conversation. (Learn More)

The Tech-wise Family – Andy Crouch
Tips for structuring home to keep technology from taking over.
(Learn More)

Closing the Window: Steps to Living Porn Free – Tim Chester
This book explores why people turn to porn, how to establish a value system that diminishes the power of porn as well as steps to pursue recovery. (Learn More)

Life After Lust – Forest Benedict
This book shares steps that lead away from lust and into vibrant relationships.
(Learn More)

Ten Tips for Parenting the Smartphone Generation – Gregory Jantz Phd.
Book with tips for parents on the specific topic of phones.
(Learn More)

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Other Topics
Necessary Endings – Dr. Henry Cloud
This book is more about business and ministry but also is the basis for my teaching on the three types of people, the wise, foolish and evil. This book like others from Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend offer clear teaching on boundaries and consequences. (Learn More)

Decisive – Dr. Chip Heath, Dr. Dan Heath
Research based book that explores how our decision making can become hijacked and steps to become better at making decisions. (Learn More)

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Recommended Books & Resources
The following books have been pivotal in developing seminars, blog posts and impacting our youth programs. Purchasing them through the links below will result in Project Patch gaining a very small affiliate commission from Amazon without affecting your cost.
I’ve tried to group the books by topic:
General Parenting
Perfectionism Related Books
Purity & Pornography Recovery Related Books
Other Topics
General Parenting
Love and Respect In The Family – Dr. Emerson Eggerichs
This book is a phenomenal guide to breaking the crazy cycle and getting your family moving together toward energetic and helpful interactions. This book is a must read for every parent. (Learn More)
iGen: The 10 Trends Shaping Today’s Young People – and the Nation by Jean M. Twnge
This book is helpful in identifying general trends that are shaping kids born born in Late 1990’s through 2012. While each person is unique, there are general trends which shape this generation. This book covers very important topics related to teen depression, anxiety, loneliness, suicide rates, and social relationships.(Learn More)
Smart Money, Smart Kids by Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruz
This book focuses on helping your kids with money but also has a lot to say about personal responsibility and teaching kids in the home so they are prepared for adulthood. (Learn More)
Raising Accountable Kids by John Miller
This book teaches accountability and asking questions that lead to action. (Learn More)

Change Your Brain, Change Your Life (Before 25) by Dr. Jesse Payne
This book provides an excellent introduction to brain development as well as factors that can risk development and integration. (Learn More)
Boundaries By Dr. Henry Cloud, Dr. John Townsend
This Boundaries series shares how parents and individuals can focus on setting boundaries on our own behavior as well as impact others make on our lives. (Learn More)
Strong Mothers, Strong Sons By Dr. Meg Meeker
Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters
These two books provide an excellent view of the powerful role parents play in the development of their kids. (Learn More)
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Perfectionism & Emotions Related
The Wisdom of Your Heart: Discovering the God-Given Purpose and Power of Your Emotions By Marc Schelske
Marc takes the reader on a journey to discover the role emotions play and how we can use emotions in the way God intended. (Learn More)
Mindset By Carls S. Dweck
Dr. Dweck researches and presents on the idea of fixed versus growth mindset. This book is key in helping kids struggling with perfectionism. (Learn More)
Entitlement Cure by John Townsend
Dr. Townsend walks us through the process of understanding our entitlement and how to serve others who are acting entitled. (Learn More)
The Gift of Imperfection by Brene Brown
This book captures Dr. Brown’s research on shame and perfectionism. It is a powerful book with research, stories and encouragement. (Learn More)
The Gifts of Imperfect Parenting by Brene Brown
This is a CD and is also available on Audible. This presentation captures how perfectionism and people pleasing can get in the way of raising our kids. A very interesting and helpful presentation. (Learn More)
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Purity/Addiction Related
Good Pictures/Bad Pictures – Kristen A Jenson and Gail Poyner
This picture is a story about parents that are helping their child understand what pornography is and how to reject it. It also has a plan to help parents navigate the conversation. (Learn More)
The Tech-wise Family – Andy Crouch
Tips for structuring home to keep technology from taking over.
(Learn More)
Closing the Window: Steps to Living Porn Free – Tim Chester
This book explores why people turn to porn, how to establish a value system that diminishes the power of porn as well as steps to pursue recovery. (Learn More)
Life After Lust – Forest Benedict
This book shares steps that lead away from lust and into vibrant relationships.
(Learn More)

Ten Tips for Parenting the Smartphone Generation – Gregory Jantz Phd.
Book with tips for parents on the specific topic of phones.
(Learn More)

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Other Topics
Necessary Endings – Dr. Henry Cloud
This book is more about business and ministry but also is the basis for my teaching on the three types of people, the wise, foolish and evil. This book like others from Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend offer clear teaching on boundaries and consequences. (Learn More)
Decisive – Dr. Chip Heath, Dr. Dan Heath
Research based book that explores how our decision making can become hijacked and steps to become better at making decisions. (Learn More)

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