For those who prefer to give toward a specific project, the following list contains items that are needed, yet are not a part of the operating budget. Please make sure to note on your gift if you would like it designated for a specific Wish List item or the highest need Wish List item. If the item has already been purchased, we will contact you for further instructions.
To donate via credit card: please call our office at 360-690-8495 or use the button below To donate via check: please mail to Project Patch, PO Box 820209, Vancouver WA 98682
Wish List
For those who prefer to give toward a specific project, the following list contains items that are needed, yet are not a part of the operating budget. Please make sure to note on your gift if you would like it designated for a specific Wish List item or the highest need Wish List item. If the item has already been purchased, we will contact you for further instructions.
Updated FEBRUARY 2025
To donate via credit card: please call our office at 360-690-8495 or use the button below
To donate via check: please mail to Project Patch, PO Box 820209, Vancouver WA 98682
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