Is anger sad’s bodyguard?

This podcast is based on a quote I heard while attending a pre-session at the Replanted Conference that takes place each October in the Chicago area. The conference focuses on supporting foster and adoptive parents. I attended a pre-session training on trauma by my friends Mike and Kristin Berry of Honestly Adoption Company.  

Mike shared a quote by Liza Palmer that captured me.  Liza wrote, “Angry is just sad’s bodyguard.”

This episode explores the relationship between anger and sadness. It’s a complicated relationship, but I hope you enjoy thinking about this as I have.

Here are some Highlights:

  • Anger – the emotion we feel when someone or something important to us is being harmed or needs defending.
  • How we may be expressing anger but feeling something totally different
  • Sadness – the emotion we feel when someone or something valuable or important to us is lost.
  • Discussion of loss when it’s a real loss like death, a loss of something representative, or the loss of something we hoped for.
  • Some reasons why we avoid sadness.
    • We react quickly away from sadness – not a state we naturally want to hold
    • We fear sadness will only increase if we focus on it.
    • We feel powerful when expressing anger but vulnerable when experiencing sadness.
    • It’s easier to blame shift with anger.
  • What are some suggestions?
    • Realize that unattended sadness doesn’t go away – it grows.
    • Holding sadness is a long-established spiritual practice encouraged by Jesus.
    • Learn to respond to sadness through reflection, memorials, lesson finding, and exposure of what is valuable.
  • Parenting thoughts
    • Ask your kids what Liza Palmer’s saying, “Angry is just sad’s bodyguard,” means to them.
    • Explore the difference between push and pull emotions.
    • Talk with them about how we can learn lessons from our sadness.

Closing Thoughts:

Thanks for taking the time to engage with us in this content.  If you’d like to share youth thoughts, questions, or suggestions, email me at

Also, we have updated copies of the “Life Ready Kids” video series available.  This 12-part presentation, along with study guides, helps you face the challenge of raising kids who can live in a world of technology. Learn more by clicking here.